
'She's smart and super fabulous!' Charlie Sheen says 'terrific' Lindsay Lohan will 'come out on top eventually'

Things aren't looking too good for Lindsay Lohan at the moment.
Not only is she facing jail over charges she lied to police, but her performance in The Canyons has been roundly panned, and she has serious money troubles.
But the actress has one person on her side - Charlie Sheen, who thinks she is 'terrific'.
Hands up for Lindsay! Charlie Sheen called Lohan 'terrific' in an interview on Jay Leno on Wednesday
Hands up for Lindsay! Charlie Sheen called Lohan 'terrific' in an interview on Jay Leno on Wednesday
'She's terrific, I mean she's going through a lot of stuff,' he told Jay Leno on Wednesday.
'She's smart and super fabulous and I think will come out on top eventually, you know.'
Earlier this month it emerged that Sheen had given Lohan $100,000 to help her out when she was struggling to find money to pay her tax bill.
'They offered me a decent amount of cash to do Scary Five as a cameo,' he explained.
'Then they said they're going to hire Lindsay. I thought fabulous.'
KNows her well: Sheen gave Lohan $100,000 to help her out when she suffered money troubles
Knows her well: Sheen gave Lohan $100,000 to help her out when she suffered money troubles
The pair played a couple in bed together making a sex tape.
Sheen explained: 'They took half my money to give to her and she didn't get it all. And when i found this out I said you got shorted a hundred grand so I, I gave it to her.'
But he said he might not have been so generous had he realised what she would be spending the cash on.
'I didn't know it was for taxes,' he explained. 'If I'd have known that I'd have given her half.'
No Lance Armstrong fan: Sheen described the shamed cyclist as a 'douche'
No Lance Armstrong fan: Sheen described the shamed cyclist as a 'douche'
But while Lohan has found a fan in Sheen, Lance Armstrong isn't so popular.
'He's kind of a douche,' Sheen explained bluntly.
'Wow, I didn't just say that did I.And I base that on meeting him, you know.'
Then he told the story of how he met Lance at a party in around 2005.
'He was talking to, I think he was talking to Sheryl Crow at the time.
Co-star: Lance and Lindsay Lohan appeared in Scary Movie 5 together, playing a couple filming a sex tape
Co-star: Lance and Lindsay Lohan appeared in Scary Movie 5 together, playing a couple filming a sex tape
'I said "Hi Mr Armstrong, I'm Charlie Sheen. I just wanna say hello."
'He looks at me, he's like, "that's nice."'
Sheen then added that he felt Lance had got what was coming to him.
'If he was a better guy I think in his life he'd be forgiven a lot faster and a lot easier,' he said. 'Kind of like me.'
Facing jail: Lohan in court in Los Angeles on Wednesday
Facing jail: Lohan in court in Los Angeles on Wednesday

