
The not-so Big Reunion: Boy band 5ive will audition for a new member after lead singer J Brown refuses to join the group

It is the big reunion that their fans have been dreaming of, but not as they expected it to be.
Former 90s boy band 5ive have decided to regroup for ITV2's The Big Reunion, but only four of the original members will take to the stage.
While Scott Robinson, Ritchie Neville, Abz Love and Sean Conlon have all agreed to join forces once more, lead singer J Brown has opted out.
No deal: J Brown has refused to take part in The Big Reunion forcing 5ive to audition for a new band member
No deal: J Brown has refused to take part in The Big Reunion forcing 5ive to audition for a new band member
Four bad boys: From left, Abz Love, Ritchie Neville, Scott Robinson and Sean Conlon will carry on without J
Four bad boys: From left, Abz Love, Ritchie Neville, Scott Robinson and Sean Conlon will carry on without J
The past tensions that ultimately destroyed the group clearly had not been forgotten by J who declined to even be filmed and interviewed for the show.
After first agreeing to take part in The Big Reunion he pulled out just a few weeks before filming began.
Speaking about their breakdown at the peak of their fame, the other band members recall that J was a very intimidating and controlling person.
The bad boys: Scott Robinson, Ritchie Neville, Abz Love and Sean Conlon have all agreed to take part in the show
The bad boys: Scott Robinson, Ritchie Neville, Abz Love and Sean Conlon have all agreed to take part in the show

The good life: The boys were signed up by music mogul Simon Cowell after they audtioned
The good life: The boys were signed up by music mogul Simon Cowell after they audtioned
Scott said: 'He was a Gemini. He was two people. One was the salt of the earth and the other was a c**k.
The biggest problem in the group was between Sean and J, with the former having to quit the band following a nervous breakdown.
Sean recalled: ' [J's] words to me were that he hated me from the very first moment he heard me sing.
'I was very very confident in the beginning of the band. But I became the insecure one, I let the environment destroy me.'
Now and then: Abz Love was the hell-raiser in the group but has cleaned up his act and now lives on a farm
Now and then: Abz Love was the hell-raiser in the group but has cleaned up his act and now lives on a farm
Now and then: Abz Love was the hell-raiser in the group but has cleaned up his act and now lives on a farm
Bad vibe: Some of the band members described J Brown as being very controlling and at times aggressive
Bad vibe: Some of the band members described J Brown as being very controlling and at times aggressive
Sean added: 'I was such a young kid that I was completely overwhelmed. I remember looking in the mirror and thinking who is that? Because I didn't know myself.
'I just had the strongest feeling that no matter how much money they throw at me I have to find Sean.'
The loyal 5ive fans were told that Sean was missing from public appearances because he had glandular fever, however, the Yorkshire lad had quit the band.
Tough times: Sean Conlon suffered a nervous breakdown as a result of constant put downs from J Brown
Tough times: Sean Conlon suffered a nervous breakdown as a result of constant put downs from J Brown

Angry guy: Scott Robinson described J as having two personalities and being a true Gemini
Angry guy: Scott Robinson described J as having two personalities and being a true Gemini
He said: 'I needed a father figure to put their arm around me and say ''it's gonna be alright'', but it wasn't like that.'
While the boys are upset that J won't be joining them, the general consensus is an air of relief.
Ritchie said: 'It is really sad. Maybe it will be a little bit smoother.'
Sean, who felt that J had bullied him during their time in the group, said: 'I was willing to forgive. I wanted to move forward. He's not here and that's it.'
Moving on: Members Scott and Ritchie Neville are going to go ahead with the band and will audition a new member
Moving on: Members Scott and Ritchie Neville are going to go ahead with the band and will audition a new member

They will rock you: While the boys are upset that J won't be joining them, the general concensus is an air of relief
They will rock you: While the boys are upset that J won't be joining them, the general concensus is an air of relief

